Video News on Official Youtube Channel

As Internet technologies rapidly developing and opening more possibilities, we try to use the most advanced ones to bring you news as fast as possible.  Now, with your help, we hope to transform our YouTube channel into band’s broadcasting platform. So, you will be able to find there fresh dose of information. Often directly from rehearsal room when arranging new material… Or Shahab promised to take you on the road, to do sound-check together. Sometimes you can also watch his concert from the back-stage and maybe to cook together and look at who will come to see the band off.

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Music Download: Where & How

At the very beginning of the year we’d like to answer some major questions fans & friends asked us the most. We hope this will not only answer questions on downloads, but will also navigate to best possible deals near you. So, read further to learn:

  • How to download Shahab’s music
  • Where to buy digital MP3/physical CD
  • Possible cost per track/album
  • And why it is not available for free
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