Music Download: Where & How

At the very beginning of the year we’d like to answer some major questions fans & friends asked us the most. We hope this will not only answer questions on downloads, but will also navigate to best possible deals near you. So, read further to learn:

  • How to download Shahab’s music
  • Where to buy digital MP3/physical CD
  • Possible cost per track/album
  • And why it is not available for free
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New Documentary by Behzad Bolour on BBC Persian TV

This is new documentary about Shahab Tolouie (شهاب طلوعی) for weekly music show by Behzad Bolour (بهزاد بلور) – Bolour Banafsh (بلور بنفش). Produced and broadcasted by BBC Persian TV.

(video consists of English and Russian captions)

The movie was recorded in Prague at the beginning of May 2013.  It slightly opens the creative process of the new album “Terra Mediterranea”, which is set for release this autumn. Besides of listening to several samples of new music, you get to meet Shahab’s band members and pry about recording of the song “My Lost Smile” in studio. At the same time there is a fresh look on Prague’s musical and historical attractions such as: John Lennon Wall, Vltava River, Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Lavka, Kampa and Lovers Bridge.

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Rainforest Single Release

The song Rainforest, also known by the names of Raining Forest or Jangale Barani, was released yesterday. It has become a favourite track with many people after a live performance on BBC TV (2009). Due to high demand, it’s been chosen as the debut single before the new album release.

Rainforest emphasises the problem of deforestation of tropical forests around the World. All the facts say that we are losing vast tracts of one of the Earth’s greatest biological treasures. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth’s land surface; now they cover a mere 6%. If deforestation continues at its current rates, scientists estimate nearly 80 to 90% of tropical rainforest ecosystems will have been destroyed by the year 2020.

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Merry Christmas – Shahab Tolouie Quintet

Merry Christmas – کریسمس مبارک – buon Natale – feliz Navidad – veselé Vánoce – fröhliche Weihnachten – joyeux Noël – Noeliniz kutlu olsun – С Рождеством Хрисовым – god jul – З Різдвом Христовим – wesołych świąt bożego Narodzenia – glædelig jul – vrolijk Kerstfeest – Καλα Χριστούγεννα – חג מולד שמח – 圣诞快乐

Quintent at South-Bohemian Jazz Fest

On August 11th, 2012 Shahab Tolouie and his Quintet will attend South Bohemian Jazz fest. There the amazing triple neck hybrid FuseTar “Lucifer” will be introduced for the first time on stage. The concert starts at 7:30pm, Piaristicka Square, Budweis, Czech Republic.

So, here the Line up:
Shahab Tolouie – FuseTar, Guitar,Vocal
Tomas Vychytil – 2nd Guitar
Taras Voloshchuk – Double Bass
Papis Nyass – African & Dynamic Percussions
Marketa Podhajska – Drums & Percussions.

The festival is the one of the biggest cultural events in the city and South Bohemia. Moreover, visitors can enjoy the concerts at this beautiful festival free of charge.

Triple-neck Instrument Fusetar Media Coverage

Only during two weeks after the FuseTar ‘Lucifer’ introduction its news was covered by a considerable number of well-known media. Also, credible news agencies such as Reuters and Associated Press had mentioning in their news-lines. Recognised guitar media: iGuitar (the No1 digital magazine for guitarists), Fuzz, Scandinavian guitar portal. As well as World Music Central (the biggest world music news magazine) and a long list of many others.

The first radio interview with live demonstration of the instrument will happen on June 14th on radio Free Europe 5:30p.m. (CET)

Detailed information is also available on the dedicated page.